Alexandria “ALEX” Doyle BA, MBA

 Professional Resume Writer

I help jobseekers who feel “Stuck” and “Stagnant
 stand out no matter how the job market looks! 

Stay in Touch! 

You're the right place. I've got you covered!

Sooo let me explain something.....
We have 3 Tiers of Services, and they are as follows: 

“Do it Yourself” DIY - Resume & LinkedIn Critiques - $99* 

“Done with You” DWY - Resume, LinkedIn,
& Job Search Coaching Sessions - $297*

“Done for You” DFY - Resume Writing
& LinkedIn Profile Optimization - $697*

These are handwritten and emailed critiques in which I provide extensive
guidance/feedback on your resume and how to rewrite it yourself.

Coaching/Consultation/I Teach You/Write examples together. I do not write a resume or profile for you, but I assist and teach you how to do it yourself.

The Resume Writer does ALL the writing, but I interview you,
and you provide me with the information required. 

*Indicates starting price. Price varies depending on service and/or career level. For instance, professional, management, and executive level. Please visit our pricing page for exact pricing.

No idea what you need? -
Email us, Book a Call, or Complete our Assessment Form. Links below!

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